Galmey Community Bible Church is an Independent Non-Denominational Church where God's Word is taught, preached, and lived in the lives of our members and faithful attendees as we surrender to the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments are verbally inspired by God and is the final authority in all matters. That salvation is by grace through faith and the believer's baptism by immersion. In one God eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That Jesus Christ, the perfect God-Man, was born of the Virgin Mary. He purchased our redemption by dying on the cross, arose from the tomb on the third day, is now in heaven and will return to claim those who have accepted Him.
We are a church family of people that love Jesus and are committed to one purpose: "To Give God The Glory" through all our actions, activities, and attitudes.