God has given Galmey Church the privilege and honor to support 15 missionaries and 3 missionary projects. The Missions Team has the responsibility of periodically evaluating our Missions policy and making changes if needed. Decisions are presented to the church body at the time of determined by the church Board.
We evaluate our Missionaries to see if they are still in accordance with our Missions Policy and Guidelines. This is done partly through a Ministry Goals and Evaluation form that is sent out annually. We interview and get to know perspective Missionaries for the purpose of considering them as a candidate for support. The missionary must be involved with or in a support ministry of church planting. The missionary must be in complete agreement with our Statement of Faith in doctrine and in practice.
Twice a month we receive an update on two or three of our missionaries. This is to keep the congregation informed about each missionary and help get to know them better. When Missionaries visit our church, the team takes care of their needs as requested. We keep the missionary “Wall of Faith” up to date asking all to continue to keep us and our Missionaries in your prayers. We thank you for letting us serve God through this ministry.