We are a small church meeting big goals, from the middle of nowhere reaching everywhere. We just celebrated our 123rd anniversary (2023), and we have come a long way and grown as a family of believers reaching out to our community in The Great Commission to reach the lost and bring them home.
In one God , existing in three persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, all knowing and eternal.
The Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God.
That sin is only forgiven through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, and eternal life is obtained through grace not by works.
In baptism by immersion. This shows the death, the burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Church Secretary
Evelyn Taylor is on the front lines of this ministry. She is a reflection of our church and it is an honor to have her.
She has a genuine "call to Christian service" and is willing to go "above and beyond."